35 printable pages, 25 of which are activity pages and 7 are cut-out pages. 1 cover, 1 teacher's instructions and 1 end sheet.
Topics: My name is, My last name is, Tracing numbers from 1 to 20, Days of the week, Today is:, Months of the year, Seasons of the year, Clothes for each season, Colors, Numbers from 1 to 30, Counting 20, Vowel sounds, Tracing words with a, e, i, o, u; Emotions, The 5 senses, Junk Foods and Healthy Foods, Body parts, Geometric shapes, Solar System, Stages of Human Development. (child, teenager, adult, old) Uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation marks.
Recommended use: Laminated sheets and adhesive velcro.
Additional support for group work or homework.